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1. Anagrafica / Master
2. Redazione / Editorial team
3. Codice etico / Publication Ethics
1. Anagrafica / Master data
Fondata nel 1998 da
Luigi De Rosa, dal
2012 Storia economica
è una rivista semestrale.
Founded in 1998 by
Luigi De Rosa,
from 2012
Storia economica is a six-monthly journal.
Editore / Publisher

ISSN: 1824-5064
2. Redazione / Editorial team
Direttore responsabile / Editor
Luigi De Matteo (Università L’Orientale di Napoli)
Comitato di direzione /
Andrea Cafarelli (Università di Udine),
Giovanni Ceccarelli (Università di Parma), Daniela Ciccolella
(CNR-ISMed), Alida Clemente (Università di Foggia), Francesco Dandolo
(Università Federico II di Napoli), Luigi De Matteo (Università
L’Orientale di Napoli), Giovanni Farese (Università Europea di Roma),
Andrea Giuntini (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Alberto Guenzi
(Università di Parma), Amedeo Lepore (Università della Campania),
Stefano Magagnoli (Università di Parma), Giuseppe Moricola (Università
L’Orientale di Napoli), Angela Orlandi (Università di Firenze), Gian Luca Podestà (Università di Parma), Mario Rizzo (Università di Pavia), Gaetano Sabatini (Università di Roma Tre)
Comitato scientifico / Scientific
Frediano Bof (Università di Udine), Giorgio Borelli (Università di
Verona), Aldo Carera (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano),
Francesco D’Esposito (Università G. D’Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara),
Marco Doria (Università di Genova), Giulio Fenicia (Università di
Bari), Luciana Frangioni (Università del Molise), Paolo Frascani
(Università L’Orientale di Napoli), Maurizio Gangemi (Università di
Bari), Germano Maifreda (Università di Milano), Daniela Manetti
(Università di Pisa), Paola Massa (Università di Genova), Giampiero
Nigro (Università di Firenze), Nicola Ostuni (Università Magna Græcia
di Catanzaro), Paola Pierucci (Università G. D’Annunzio di
Chieti-Pescara), Giovanni Vigo (Università di Pavia), Giovanni Zalin
(Università di Verona)
3. Codice etico / Publication
Il Direttore e i membri del Comitato di direzione e del Comitato
scientifico di Storia economica adottano e promuovono le
seguenti buone
pratiche raccomandate dal COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
The Editor, Co-Editors, and the
Scientific Committee of Storia economica
adopt and promote the
following good practices recommended by the COPE (Committee on
Publication Ethics).
- actively seek the views of authors, readers, reviewers and
editorial board members about ways of improving their journal’s
- support initiatives designed to reduce academic misconduct
- support initiatives to educate researchers about publication
- assess the effects of their journal policies on author and
behaviour and revise policies, as required, to encourage responsible
behaviour and discourage misconduct
- ensure that any press releases issued by the journal reflect the
message of the reported article and put it into context
- ensure that all published reports of research have been reviewed
suitably qualified reviewers
- adopt processes that encourage accuracy,
completeness and clarity of research reporting
- adopt authorship or
contributorship systems that promote good practice and discourage
- publish clear instructions in their journals about
- require all contributors to disclose relevant competing
interests and publish corrections if competing interests are revealed
after publication
- ensure that appropriate reviewers are selected for submissions
- respect requests from authors that an individual should not
their submission, if these are well-reasoned
- require reviewers to disclose any potential competing interests
before agreeing to review a submission
- encourage reviewers to comment on ethical questions and possible
research misconduct raised by submissions
- encourage reviewers to ensure the originality of submissions and
alert to redundant publication and plagiarism
- seek to acknowledge the contribution of reviewers to the journal
o monitor the performance of peer reviewers and take steps to ensure
this is of high quality
o develop and maintain a database of suitable reviewers, and update
this on the basis of reviewer performance
- ensure that the reviewer database reflects the academic community
their journal o use a wide range of sources to identify potential new
reviewers o identify suitably qualified editorial board members who can
actively contribute to the development and good management of the
o provide clear guidance to editorial board members about their
expected functions and duties, these might include:
- acting as ambassadors for the journal
- supporting and promoting the journal
- seeking out the best authors and best work and actively
- reviewing submissions to the journal
- accepting commissions to write editorials, reviews and
on papers in their specialist area
- attending and contributing to editorial board meetings
- consult editorial board members regularly
- have systems in place to
detect falsified data
- base decisions about journal house style on
relevant evidence of factors that raise the quality of reporting rather
than simply on aesthetic grounds or personal preference
- have systems in place to give authors the opportunity to make
original research articles freely available
- adopt systems for detecting plagiarism
- support authors whose
copyright has been breached or who have been the victims of plagiarism
- be prepared to defend authors’ rights and pursue offenders
irrespective of whether their journal holds the copyright
- have policies and systems in place to ensure that commercial
considerations do not affect editorial decisions
o adopt suitable policies for handling submissions from themselves to
ensure unbiased review
© 2019 Storiaeconomica